Declaration of Conformity


Reflectil Sverige AB – Reflectil Norge AS – Reflectil II Portugal

Declares that all product references listed below* are the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.

  • High Visibility clothing
  • Visibility Accessories

and are in conformity with the provisions of PPE Regulation (EU) 2016/425 and where such is the case, with the The Products are classified as: harmonized standards:

  • EN ISO 20471 High Visibility Clothing
  • EN 17353 Protective clothing – Enhanced visibility equipment for medium risk situations
  • EN 1150 Visibility Clothing for non-professional use
  • EN 13356 Visibility Accessories for non-professional use
  • EN ISO 14116 Protection against limited flame spread
  • EN ISO 11612 Protection against heat and flame, A1+A2 B1 C1

Is identical to the PPE which is subject of EC certificates of conformity issued by chosen respective notified bodies FIOH* (0403) and SGS* (0598), and is subject to the procedure set out in PPE regulation 2016/424 under the supervision of the same notified bodies.

*Product References with associated type approvals covered by this Declaration of Conformity:

High Visibility Garments:
101 STD (0598_PPE_24_5357 I1), 101 FR (0598_PPE_24_5358 I1), 102 (0598_PPE_200020 I1), 113 STD (0598_PPE_23_4112 I1), 123 STD (0598_PPE_200633 I1), 131 (0598_PPE_200634 I1), 134 STD (0598_PPE_23_4113 I1), 201 STD (0598_PPE_24_5357 I1), 201 FR (0598_PPE_24_5358 I1), 202 STD (0598_PPE_200022 I1), 202 FR (0598_PPE_200022 I1), 203 (0598_PPE_200023 I1), 206 (0598_PPE_200057 I1), 213 (0598_PPE_200024 I1), 218 FRAS (0598_PPE_200495 I1), 218 STD (0598_PPE_200495 I1), 223 FRAS (0598_PPE_200025 I1), 223 STD (0598_PPE_200058 I1), 223 HQ (0598_PPE_200058 I1), 223 FR (0598_PPE_200058 I1), 227 STD (0598_PPE_200026 I1), 227 FR (0598_PPE_200026 I1), 228 STD (0598_PPE_200635 I1), 228 FR (0598_PPE_200635 I1), 230 (0598_PPE_210308 I1), 231 STD (0598_PPE_200059 I1), 233 (0598_PPE_200060 I1), 243 (0598_PPE_200027 I1), 301 SS (0598_PPE_24_5357 I1), 301 SSFR (0598_PPE_24_5358 I1), 301 LS (0598_PPE_24_5357 I1), 301 LSFR (0598_PPE_24_5358 I1), 302 STD (0598_PPE_200028 I1), 302 FR (0598_PPE_200028 I1), 303 (0598_PPE_200061 I1), 306 FRAS (0598_PPE_200029 I1), 306 STD (0598_PPE_200062 I1), 306 FR (0598_PPE_200062 I1), 307 (0598_PPE_210313 I1), 313 (0598_PPE_200063 I1), 318 FRAS (0598_PPE_200496 I1), 318 STD (0598_PPE_200747 I1), 320 (0598_PPE_210314 I1), 327 STD (0598_PPE_200636 I1), 404 (0598_PPE_200064 I1), 404 1STR (0598_PPE_200064 I1), 405 STD (0598_PPE_200101 I1), 407 (0598_PPR_210307 I1), 409 (0598_PPE_200030 I1), 411 (0598_PPE_200066 I1), 412 (0598_PPE_200176 I1), 413 (0598_PPE_232938 I1), 415 (0598_PPE_210315 I1), 507 (0598_PPE_23_411323_4114 I1), 510 STD (14414GRS01rev1), 510 FR (14414GRS01rev1), 515 (0598_PPE_210316 I1).

Reflective Accessories:
801:Slap Wraps – 802:Velcro Armbands – 803:Reflective Sticker – 804:Hanging Reflector – 805:Reflective Mag Tags (260356A01), 806:Reflective 3D objects (16148KDS01), 815:Hi-Vis Harness (0598_PPE_210232)

*Address FIOH – Notified Body 0403: Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Topeliuksenkatu 41b, F-00290 Helsinki, Finland
*Address SGS – Notified Body 0598: SGS Fimko Ltd, Takomotie 8, F-00380 Helsinki, Finland

